We love a person who chooses to show up and shine and those who are passionate to bring out that greatness in others. People who choose to influence this way certainly excel in their roles and their energy and enthusiasm becomes contagious.
When our team first met Stephanie, we immediately knew she was a kick ass human. Radiating positivity, genuine kindness, creating an environment for others to feel safe and explore their potential, and never stopping her own professional development.
People like Stephanie, become a beacon of light in a world that sometimes may feel dim. And the way she chooses to show up every day has an immeasurable impact and she is building a legacy of absolute greatness. So of course, we had to connect with her to share her spotlight.
Stephanie Hoxie is a Staff Development Coordinator at Oswego County Department of Social Services. We met Stephanie through training events and then she became certified in Personality Dimensions™ to be able to support Department of Social Services teams.
“As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” What a perfect quote by Marianne Wiliamson and a great way to introduce Steph. She lives this each day and truly believes in helping others shine.
Gary & Hannah: What makes you shine as a professional?
Stephanie: I think I shine in my profession because I want others to shine, and I want everyone to reach their greatest potential.
When Stephanie says this, she means it. It’s an inspirational way to lead in your profession and have such an innate desire to help others. It’s a selfless approach that is a true gift.
Gary & Hannah: What’s your belief in helping other people shine?
Stephanie: There are three sayings that will sum up how I feel about helping others shine.
A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.
What is for you will not pass you.
There is room for everyone at the table.
I want everyone to know their greatness and value, this brings me so much joy.
Gary & Hannah: Recently you became a certified Personality Dimensions trainer to be able to deliver within your organization, what made you want to get this certification?
Stephanie: I participated in a Personality Dimensions workshop with Gary in the Fall of 2022 and then I was certified in Personality Dimensions in the beginning of 2023 by Hannah. I knew immediately this was a game changer and delivering this training to the supervisors in my organization has only proven what I believed to be true. Personality Dimensions is so easy to attach yourself to and understand. I cannot wait to see where this takes us.

Meet Stephanie Hoxie & her beautiful family!
Gary & Hannah: How have you seen Personality Dimensions enhance people’s lives professionally and personally since becoming a certified trainer?
Stephanie: YES! So many times, yes. One example is a Gold/Green Supervisor recognizing her need to check on her blue staff personally before they start their case reviews. This has built relationships and community within her team. It is so incredible to see the power of the tool and how it is changing lives.
Personally, I have been able to give grace to others recognizing their core needs and values are not about me. Each of us need something different to be our best and when we understand and value this, our lives becoming lighter and fuller as a result.
Gary & Hannah: How do you leverage Personality Dimensions to have a greater impact on the way people experience their work?
Stephanie: One of the biggest challenges within organizations is personnel issues. Personnel issues stem from not understanding others fully. Personality Dimensions allows us to take this one step in the right direction and create momentum.
Personality Dimensions allows us to understand others needs (who are not like us) and what they value and need to be their best. I have been using this idea in my Personality Dimensions sessions that we must take the golden rule to the next level and apply the platinum rule- Treat others how THEY want to be treated.
If staff are being treated how they want to be treated and their core values are being met, they are going to choose to be their best self.
When we understand ourselves and others better, we can give grace to others. Please know this is not an excuse to be a jerk - but it gives us a better understanding of why people are the way they are and see from a different perspective.
It’s always so exciting to see Personality Dimensions in action and see how it transform relationships. And Stephanie is absolutely right. The Golden Rule all these years has been wrong – it isn’t about treating others the way you would like to be treated. It is really about treating others the way they would like to be treated. And that takes understanding and bringing humanity into the workplace.
Steph, you are an incredible human and make such a positive difference in so many people’s lives. Thanks for sharing with us!