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  • Kick Ass Zombie Hunter

Team Activities for All Teams

Young woman drinking water while working

One of the biggest challenges for leaders is fostering meaningful connections amongst team members, no matter where they are.

And while it may be a difficult task to figure out how to build these connections, it is a critical task to maintaining a psychologically safe team.

One way to address this challenge is through team building activities. Let's be clear, there are other ways to address this challenge, but this is a great one to start. Harvard Business Review shares that there are studies that show when we spend time tending to our need for belonging there are improvements in both performance and well-being.

Check out this Harvard Business Review article, that breaks down a series of team building activities for remote teams, hybrid teams and in person teams and how to shift your thinking about team building.

Have you tried any team building activities that have worked well for building connections with your team?


Team Human Conversation

Fight workplace zombies in your organization and join Team Human! Gather a group of fellow workplace zombie hunters to discuss our most recent blog post. Use the questions below to kick-start your conversation.

  1. What are your primary goals when it comes to team building within your team?

  2. Can you share a successful team building activity that you've implemented in the past? What made it so successful?

  3. What challenges have you faced in team building activities, and how have you addressed them?


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