As a child, do you remember lying in bed worried about monsters? You were afraid of a boogeyman coming out of the closet or that maybe something was hiding under your bed? Your nightlight cast strange shadows and you were sure night noises were coming from monsters outside your window. Even though there was nothing there, the fear was real for you. You hid under the covers while your heart pounded. Usually at some point, a parent came into your room, turned on the light and opened the closet door and checked under the bed just to show you there was nothing there. Maybe, if you were an especially courageous little kid, you slipped out of bed yourself and checked under it or in the closet. Either way, you found out there was nothing there but a few dust bunnies or your clothes. The fear was just a perceived one. It was all in your mind. Many times, fear and self-limiting beliefs are all creations of our imaginations. And when we start shining the light of reason under the beds and into the closets where these fears live, we discover there is nothing there at all.
Fear is overrated. Fear has no reality other than the one you choose to give it. By acknowledging your fears and planning for them, you will be liberated from them. Start redirecting the attention and time you give to creating fear towards more positive thoughts and the fear will diminish and your enjoyment and happiness will increase. The bars of your prison will disappear and you will gain control over your life again.
A Team Human Conversation
Fight workplace zombies in your organization and join Team Human! Gather a group of fellow workplace zombie hunters to discuss our most recent blog post. Use the questions below to kick start your conversation.
How does the concept of childhood fears relate to the idea that fear is often a creation of our imaginations in adulthood?
How can our team shift our focus from fear to more positive, supportive thoughts to impact individual and team enjoyment and happiness at work?
In what ways do you feel that acknowledging and planning for our fears can contribute to personal and professional growth within a team environment?